Parents send their kids to kindergarten before knowing whether or not they are ready. Here are some signs that your child may be ready to start a kindergarten – visit us!
Inability to engage/play/communicate with other children: – If a child is not able to communicate or play with other children despite reaching a certain age it is not ready for going to a preschool. Sometimes, children will show an interest in plays intended for younger ages. You should rethink your decision to admit your child to a kindergarten if you see this. This child needs more guidance before he or she is sent to kindergarten.
Wild Playing/ Behavior: If your child is acting in a way where he could hurt himself, then he might not be ready for Kindergarten. Some children are very aggressive when playing with large toys. Some children throw objects. This can harm the children or even other children. Before sending such children to a Kindergarten, they need to receive counselling.
Inability for the child to explain the movements, or to use the bathroom on their own: – The child may not be ready for kindergarten if he/she cannot describe the actions. Children should also have the ability to use the restroom independently. Children should be able to close or open the latch on doors.
Unable to live away from parents for a period of time: – Children who are not able live apart from their parents for a period of several hours will not be considered to be ready to attend kindergarten. If one wants to send their child to a Kindergarten, they should be able for them to live apart from their parents for 5-6 hour.
Inability of following instructions or unwillingness: – If the child is not capable of following the instructions, then he’s not ready for kindergarten. Sometimes children will not follow instructions. It is important to counsel such children at home prior to sending them off to a kindergarten.
While there are well-trained staff in international kindergartens and preschools to assist children at every stage, it is vital that your child possesses these abilities before enrolling them.